
My name is Émile Lapras and I create multilingual web sites for enterprises that want to display in several languages.

Tailor-made services for your web site

Do you want to create a tailor-made site?

  • Use a platform that performs (WordPress)
  • Present your products and services in a simple and effective way

or upgrade an already existing site?

  • Build your prospect list
  • Sell your products and services online
  • Inform your customers of your latest news
  • Building on your successes

or be constantly up to date?

  • Respect the standards and regulations in force
  • Secure your site
  • Update information

With an engineering background, I have many years of experience in the IT field in France, Canada and US, during which I led several development projects and collaborated in the creation of websites for companies. I now specialize in creating and improving WordPress sites.

Do you want us to collaborate? I invite you to contact me using the form below or by email or phone. The first hour of consultation is free so that I can learn about your project and your needs.